
April 3, 2024

While many associate April with blooming flowers and warmer weather, it's also a time to focus on important safety issues. Leverage the extended daylight hours and increased community activity to spread awareness on some critical topics:


Drive Safe, Phone Away: Focus on Road Safety

Multitasking while driving seems harmless to many but can come with some hefty costs–from traffic citations to insurance increases and potential liability during accidents or even bodily harm. Distracted Driving Awareness Month is the perfect opportunity to remind your community of the simple ways that they can avoid traffic safety issues, helping to keep both drivers and pedestrians safe. 

Explore our ready-to-share informative graphics or go a step further by making our “Distracted Driving” flyer available to your community, not just this month but year-round. 


Empowering Our Communities: Preventing Sexual Assault

Though it is a difficult topic to discuss, education and awareness are great first steps to mitigating sexual violence in communities across the nation. Sexual assault can happen to anybody and be perpetrated by anybody, even intimate partners. During Sexual Assault Awareness Month, share information on vital topics such as where sexual assaults are most likely to occur, what to do during an attempted attack, and what options are available for victims.

Further, our book, “Behind the Scenes: A Closer Look at Violence Prevention,” highlights not only sexual assault but also other important related topics such as stalking, intimate partner violence, child abuse, and more. 


Protecting Our Most Vulnerable: Recognizing Child Abuse

While preventing child abuse might seem like a daunting challenge, there's a crucial role for everyone in our community, especially those who regularly interact with children. National Child Abuse Awareness Month aims to teach the signs of abuse and neglect, empowering children with safety strategies and becoming a voice for their well-being. Together, we can create a community where everyone feels equipped to recognize and report potential abuse. 

Child safety is a huge topic that reaches beyond familial abuse or neglect. Find graphics on everything from car seat safety to poison prevention to domestic safety issues, and help protect your community’s children by educating adult community members on all things child safety.


Building Healthy Habits: Fostering Alcohol Awareness

During Alcohol Awareness Month, the focus is on educating young people about the realities of alcohol consumption in the U.S. Parents, teachers, and other role models have a powerful opportunity to not only explain the dangers of underage drinking and overconsumption but also model healthy habits to set a positive example. 

In addition to our alcohol awareness digital graphics, both “Let’s All Work Together to Fight Drug Abuse” and “Your Life, Your Choices” highlight the issue of alcohol overconsumption among both teenagers and adults. Provide the members of your community–of all ages–with the knowledge they need to educate themselves and others about the risks of alcohol consumption.


Find pre-made, shareable graphics on these topics and more on our social media management platform, LAW Digital.